Saturday, January 24, 2009

P e n d a n t

6 hours paid off! I finally pulled out the heavy equip and dove into a more detailed project. This one left my fingers sore and battered by the rotary tool. Note to self, spinning steel burns like a you know what! I love the feeling of accomplishment once I am finished a new piece. My only hope is that someone loves it as much as I enjoyed making it!

Friday, January 9, 2009

N o w W h a t ?

As soon as the little arrows that could were done... I felt it creeping in. That wandering, spacey feeling called boredom. I am really pleased with the turn out of the pair of sparklers I like to call "this way & that". I am feeling a lack of inspiration for my next...whatever design. Being laid off really quite stinks for a stir crazy gal like me. For the most part I can keep myself occupied with random crafts, cleaning and organizing (my apartment has never been so clean & tidy) or little walks and outings. I really hope cabin fever doesn't overtake soon. So for now I'll retire to the couch with a freshly purchased magazine and hope for some inspiration.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A N e w P r o j e c t

I accomplished a few things today. After the Holidays it took me a while to feel back to normal. If I will feel completely back to normal before going back to work...I'm not sure. My point is it sure feels good to get crafting again! Anyways, here is my latest project. I plugged the i-pod into the stereo, blared my favorite Beatles playlist and started to saw. The arrows took a while to shape, but after some perseverance, I am happy with the outcome. Now they just need a little texture and I think they will make a funky pair of earrings.
Once the arrows were done I felt the need to do something a little less demanding. Hence the cute little briolettes!!! Perfect for a Valentines Day gift!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

M y N e w L o g o

I recently posted an alchemy request on our favorite website etsy!!!!
I desperately needed a new banner and logo for the up and coming jewellery
I doodled this a few months ago and the lovely little shop owner cleaned up my image and made some wonderful improvements. I am just so happy with the results!
So thanks from me to Beth! She did a great job!